12 months. 24 speakers.
Tools and techniques of effective team work from international team coaching experts
Global experience. New perspectives. Cutting edge practices.
Our speakers are expert team coaches, published authors and thought leaders from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia & America.
Надир Бечини/Nader Bechini
Тунис / Tunisia
Бенита Стаффорд-Смит / Benita Stafford-Smith MCC
Оман / Oman
Тони Ллевеллин / Tony Llewellyn
Великобритания / UK
Мэриан Уэй / Marian Way
Великобритания/ UK
Андреа ван дер Мерве / Andrea van der Merwe
Австралия / Australia
Лена Густаффсон / Lena Gustafsson
Швеция / Sweden
Артур Черникау/Artur Chernikau
Латвия / Latvia
Сашико Икушима/Sachiko Ikushima, MCC
Япония / Japan
Дон МакКензи/Don McKenzie
Австралия / Australia
Пол Лоуренс/Paul Lawrence
Австралия / Australia
Филипп Росински/Philippe Rosinski, MCC
Бельгия / Belgium
Барбара Уолш / Barbara Walsh
ЮАР / South Africa
Adrian Pancucci/ Эдриан Панкуччи, PCC
Франция / France
Иоанна Иордану / Ioanna Iordanou
Великобритания / UK
Дженифер Бриттон/Jennifer Britton CPCC, PCC
Канада / Canada
Профессор Дэвид Клаттербак/prof. David Clutterbuck
Великобритания / UK
Алан Кардон/Alain Cardon MCC
Бельгия / Belgium
Дэниэл Пок/Daniel Poch
Испания / Spain
Дост Кэн Дениз / Dost Can Deniz, MBA, MCC
Турция/ Turkey
Питер Хоукинс/Prof Peter Hawkins, Профессор лидерства
Великобритания / UK
Крейг Маккензи/Craig McKenzie PCC
Гонг Конг / Hong Kong
Кристер Лоуе/ Krister Lowe MA, PhD, CPCC
Дэнни Таквуд/Danny Tuckwood PCC
ЮАР / South Africa
Online summit participation
Tools & techniques of effective work with teams from 24 international speakers.
1 webinar participants:
- 1 webinar with 2 speakers + recordings( avaliable till June 5 2019) + speaker materials and presentation 3 days after the event
- 1 article/video on the topic from the speakers
- 1 participation in online focus group discussion with other participants on the topic
- Certificate of attendance from Elena Chelokidi’s Center of Coach and Mentor Development
1-year participants
- 12 webinar with 24 speakers at the price of 10
- 12+4 additional article/video on the topic from the speakers
- 12 online focus group sessions with other participants on the topic
- recordings and materials of past events (avaliable till June 5 2019)
- Certificate of attendance from Elena Chelokidi’s Center of Coach and Mentor Development
- ССEUs Certificate at the end of the summit (attendance in person is required)
Open FB Group participants:
- team coaching discussion with colleagues
- speaker’s answers on the questions asked before the webinar
- 12 articles/videos on the topic in the group
- Join the group on Facebook
Monthly. Convinient time. Interactive communication. Recordings & materials included.
Log in to view the recordings of the webinars.
5 June 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
New frontiers of systemic team coaching.
12:00 — 13:30 МСК
Peter Hawkins will engage the audience with why what has made coaching successful in the last 30 years will not make it successful in the next 30 years. He will then show why Team Coaching is one of the fastest areas of growth in coaching and present the five disciplines model of Systemic Team Coaching Read more…
Explorations into Mindfulness-based Team Coaching
13:30 — 15:00 МСК
Mindfulness, properly practised, has been proven to increase levels of individual and organisational effectiveness. In this webinar we will explore approaches to integrating mindfulness-based approaches into team coaching for the development of high performing teams. You will be introduced to ways of working with teams to increase their awareness and focus. And understand how the skilful management of the precious resource of attention can be developed through mindfulness-based approaches. All of this in service of developing exceptional mental effectiveness and increasing well-being Read more…
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3 July 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Designing, Launching & Coaching Great Teams: The 60-30-10 Rule
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
In this 90 minute webinar, Dr Lowe will discuss the critical conditions that need to be present in order for teams to take advantage of the benefits of team coaching. Specifically, the session will explore an evidence-based approach to team coaching that is informed by the 60-30-10 Rule. The rule states that 60% of a team’s effectiveness is predicted by its fundamental design on 6 critical conditions; 30% of a team’s effectiveness is predicated on being launched or re-launched effectively in order to generate momentum, and 10% of a team’s effectiveness rests on the ongoing team coaching it receives. During the session, Dr Lowe will talk about how team coaches can provide coaching across these 3 essential phases that when well managed can lead to outstanding team performances. Anecdotes from real team coaching cases will be presented to illuminate the conceptual framework and underlying research basis. Read more…
Что делать и чего не делать в системном командном коучинге
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
On the 3rd of July 2018 Danny will speak about The practice of systemic team coaching. There is a growing body of literature on Team Coaching and the benefits that it can achieve. As a relatively new and rapidly developing field, there is less written on the practical elements – particularly in relation to the traps that the Team Coach may unwittingly step into.
These are not simply avoidance of the things that they are already aware of from individual coaching but require the coach to consciously un-learn techniques, habits and behaviours that made them successful as a coach.
Using practical examples, anecdotes from hard-won experience and building on his own background in Systemic Team Coaching and Supervision, Danny will lead a generative conversation that aims to give you the benefit of foresight rather than hindsight – providing you with fertile ground to make your own new, unique mistakes rather than repeating his and others.Read more…
17 JULY 2018 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
7 August 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Action Learning for Team Development
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Carole Lyles Shaw will share her experiences using Action Learning in team development and leadership development programs for her clients. She will discuss the Action Learning process and describe some of the key elements for successful action learning programs. There will be interactive exercises as well as time for questions and answers during her presentation.
Perspectives on team coaching and how to get a chance to do it
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
In this session, Lena Gustafsson with 15 years of team coaching and an experienced business coach shares some of her cases and connects them to different ways of getting into the market of team coaching. She will be speaking of work teams, small business teams and executive teams and different approaches around them. Lots of room for questions and a few triggers for expanding your own business is to be expected since she likes sessions that bring learning conversations and inspiration to action. Read more…
21 August 2018 13:00 — 14:30 МСК
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
4 September 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
What do team coaches actually do?
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
Team coaching in organisations is becoming increasingly commonplace, but there remains a lack of clarity as to what team coaching actually is and what makes it effective. Different coaches are using quite different approaches to their work such that what one person calls team coaching, another calls facilitation, and there has been little research conducted as to which approaches work best.
In this session, Paul will share with you the outcome of a piece of research in which he spoke to 36 team coaches with experience of working in Australia and New Zealand. He interviewed them to find out what team coaches actually do and how these practitioners made the transition successfully from 1:1 coach to team coach.
The results of the research should help you i) decide what kind of team coach you want to be, ii) identify which skills you need to further develop iii) become more confident in making the transition to team coaching. Read more…
Long-term team coaching
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
This webinar will outline the important aspects to bear in mind when contracting for long-term coaching with an organisation. We will review how we can help organisations to draft organizational and team development design based on the real case example. Participants will be offered two simple but powerful tools to assess the company or team needs to help coaches to keep the focus on the long-term relationship.
We will also dedicate time to the understanding of what it actually means to be a team coach on the long-term basis. What type of challenges we might face and how to withstand your coaching presence in long-term team coaching. Read more…
18 SEPTEMBER 2018 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
2 October 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
The Realm of Virtual Team Coaching.
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
What’s different and what’s the same when coaching in the virtual realm;
What virtual teams need to excel;
Boosting trust and connection with and amongst virtual team members;
A handful of techniques to open and close sessions, while also supporting virtual groups/teams and individuals in key coaching areas such as goals, accountability and awareness.
Team Coaching: Personal Accountability and the Voice of the System
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
In the Organisational & Relationship Systems Coaching model (ORSC) created by CRR Global, a key concept is the “Voice of the System”. This means that every team member’s experiences and contributions belong to the whole team as well as to them individually.
As team coaches, if our client is the team itself and each member of the team is a Voice of the System, how do we:
- Simultaneously coach the team entity and hold each individual accountable for their behaviour?
- Help the team see that behaviours and relationship dynamics to the whole team?
- Focus simultaneously on the development of the team as a whole and the personal development of each individual?
In this webinar, Adrian Pancucci (PCC, ORSCC) will help us explore techniques and approaches that combine team coaching with individual accountability and development.
16 OCTOBER 2018 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Меж-вебинарная встреча для участников марафона
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
6 November 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Intercultural Team Coaching
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
At their best, teams produce synergy: their performance is higher than the sum of what individual members could have achieved separately. These teams serve multiple stakeholders and their members thrive. They are creative, effective and united.
Unfortunately, research reveals that the opposite often happens: individual biases are amplified rather than mitigated by the team, the pressure to conform stifles healthy dissent and, as a result, teams achieve sub-par performance and bland uniformity in place of true unity.
There is no fatality though. Intercultural team coaching, which is still largely unknown and therefore underused, helps teams tap into their intercultural potential (visible and hidden) to achieve synergy, resulting in more innovation, greater performance and higher fulfilment.
In this session, Philippe Rosinski will describe his 10-Co steps and Cultural Orientations Framework assessment for coaching intercultural teams and show, through real-life examples, how leveraging alternative cultural viewpoints enables team progress.
Measuring the Impact and ROI of Team Coaching
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
As the Coaching Investments continues to grow, the issue of effectiveness and ROI is likely to become more important for coaching professionals. In fact, when it comes to measuring the success of coaching, no metric is more important to top executives than business impact and ROI. Many studies have indicated that almost all organizations stated that they “know” coaching Projects/Programs/Initiatives have been effective, but the evidence to support this is mostly anecdotal. Measuring the success of coaching investment was considered to be a challenge for HR professionals.
Our webinar will show how to meet these challenges with limited resources. One of the myths about ROI is that it is expensive and too complex. The reality is that it is a logical process with simple and easy steps with cost-saving opportunities along the way. Most coaches have the available resources to make it work.
The audience will learn the 10 easy steps process of the ROI Methodology which is an approach to accountability through which coaching program owners gather data that can be used to improve their process using the most credible sources and using a set of conservative standards. The objective is to be realistic but conservative and use the data to secure project approval. The Process will show them also how to isolate the effects of the coaching program; convert data to monetary values; tabulate appropriate program costs; calculate return on investment; and identify intangible benefits.
20 NOVEMBER 2018 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
3 December 2018 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
The PERILs of Team Coaching: Team performance and dysfunction
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Just as one-to-one coaching can be less effective when it focuses only on solving problems, team coaching can easily be side-tracked into a mindset of correcting deficits. Yet performance and dysfunction are intricately linked. In this insightful webinar, David Clutterbuck, one of the earliest pioneers of coaching, mentoring and team coaching, presents a framework for diagnosing and working with both strengths and weaknesses. The PERIL framework (Purpose & motivation, External processes & systems, Relationships, Internal processes and systems, Learning) aims to help team coaches to look at team dynamics holistically.
David will explore the model and the research that led to it, as part of a wider-ranging overview of the process of contracting with the team and choosing where to focus team coaching sessions. The critical question, for the team and the coach alike, is What will make the biggest difference in assisting this team to live up to its potential? More…
Inter-team coaching
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
The case study we use in this webinar provides the context for how Systemic Team Coaching, when applied across a number of teams in an organization, can enable them to collectively become more than the sum of their respective parts.
We tell the story of working with a complex airline business in South Africa, where we were not only providing team coaching to a range of key internal teams but also coaching the connections and relationship between these teams – and at times also other teams in their network who were not part of this particular project.
The case study shows how organisational development, individual coaching, leadership development and systemic team coaching can be integrated to dynamically develop the collective leadership across a complex operational division. It builds on the Eco-Systemic approach to team coaching described in the 3rd edition of Peter Hawkins’ book, Leadership Team Coaching (Kogan Page, 2017), particularly where he describes building a culture of a “Team of Teams”.
Throughout the webinar, we provide examples of the tools we used and practical tips for helping teams which have to work closely together align towards their common purpose. Read more…
18 DECEMBER 2018 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
15 January 2019 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Creating #DramaFree cultures with Clean Language and Systemic Modelling
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Drama — whether it’s bullying, complaining, one-upmanship, not understanding someone or being offered unwanted advice — can have serious consequences for teams. Stress, loss of productivity, people feeling marginalised, high staff turnover… all of this and more can follow.
If you’re coaching a team that’s in conflict, how can you use Clean Language questions to help reveal those dramas and begin to shift team members’ perspectives?
In this webinar, Marian will discuss teams in drama and how clean questions and the tools of Systemic Modelling can move them from conflict towards collaboration with a #DramaFree intention. This doesn’t mean that drama doesn’t happen… just that when it does, the team can get curious about it, unpack it and work out what they’d like to have happened instead. More…
Social Intelligence in the context of team coaching
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
This webinar will consider a topic of social intelligence in the context of team coaching. Helping a team to build awareness of how they interact at an emotional level is a critical part of team success. We will be looking at some of the relevant skills and competencies related to social intelligence, and how they can be developed. The session will also include some observations on team dynamics as well as practical ideas for addressing conflict within a group or team. More…
29 JANUARY 2019
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
5 FEBRUARY 2019 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Using Structural Dynamics in Team Coaching
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Structural Dynamics is an evidence-based model of how communication work (and doesn’t work) in human systems. Pioneered by David Kantor, it focuses on structures and patterns of communication, is non-judgemental and easily learned. The benefit of using such a model is that it spotlights the conversation as central to effective relationships. Integrating Structural Dynamics into team development offers a way to anchor and sustain behavioural change.
The session will help you to 1) develop an overview of the key aspects of the Structural Dynamics model, and how it applies to team communication 2) get a deeper understanding of the first layer of the model called ‘The Four Player model’ 3) know when to use this in team coaching, either explicitly or implicitly.
The session will be a combination of theory, practical client examples, with some time for questions. More…
Gestalt Coaching and the Art of Being Present When Working With Teams
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
Gestalt Methodology is unique in its approach to coaching:
- It is experiential — The heart of a gestalt approach lies in internalizing and applying the power of awareness.
- It is Experimental — Gestalt coaches offer creative experiments that interrupt habitual perceptual or behavioural patterns and invite the opportunity to strengthen clients’ awareness.
- It is Existential — The gestalt coach keeps clients focused on whatever emerges in the moment.
Because of this, Gestalt coaches call themselves not change agents, but “Awareness Agents”.
In this short presentation, Dost Can Deniz, MCC, the first person the earn this certification in South East Europe in 2008 and one of the founding leaders of the Gestalt Center for Coaching, the primary center that provides ICF accredited trainings in Gestalt based individual and team/group coaching will present the basic conceptual framework of Gestalt methodology’s approach to coaching teams and groups. We will explore:
- How an “existential, experimental and experiential” i.e. Gestalt based approach to coaching can create movement in a team that is stuck through cultivation of awareness of both possibilities and resistances,
- Why “off-the-shelf” coaching tools usually are not satisfactory and how we can build our use of self as a strategic intervention tools,
- A few team coaching cases that demonstrate the power of being present with whatever arises as a coach and leader.
There will be a question and answer period. More…
19 FEBRUARY 2019 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
4 March 2019 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Systemic time and presence in individual and team coaching
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Boosting teams through leadership development
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
Strong research and 12 years working with executives Teams, allows us to identify behaviours and cultural issues that are in the way in teams and organizations around the World.
The intention of the webinar is to share what is in the way and bring some practices and case studies that help you to support effective teams in their growth and development. There is a strong link between the leadership effectiveness of the team members and the performance of the team.
- Are you interested in knowing where to focus your attention to reveal what is really going on in the team?
- Do you want to know how to open the conversation and create awareness within the team?
- Are you interested in knowing the key practices that support team blossoming?
- What set of skills de do we need as coaches to empower teams and organizations?
Are you ready? Read more…
19 МАРТА 2019 13:00 — 14:30 МСК
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
9 April 2019 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
Values and Ethics in Team Coaching
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of embedding values and ethics in the coaching practice. We will start with questioning why values and ethics matter, and should be an integral part of coaching practice. We will then delve into the key ethical considerations in the coaching relationship, such as contacting, supervision, and evidence-based practice. This initial discussion will provide the foreground for a more situated discussion on ethical issues emerging specifically in Team Coaching. We will immerse ourselves in examples from various coaching contexts such as business and sports coaching, as well as education, even healthcare.
During the course of the webinar, participants will be encouraged to engage in discussions and reflect on various ethical dilemmas which may arise during a coaching/team coaching session. Overall, participants will be granted the opportunity to reflect on their personal, professional, and organisational values, exploring how they may align or clash, potentially interfering with making ethical decisions in the coaching practice. They will also broaden and deepen their understanding of the key ingredients of an ethical coaching/team coaching practice. Подробнее…
Supervision - An Exploration of Dynamics in Team Coaching
15:00 — 16:30 UTC+3
23 APRIL 2019 13:00 — 14:30 UTC+3
Online focus group for participants
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1 month — EUR 27 and 1 year — EUR 275
14 may 2019 12:00 — 15:00 UTC+3
From I to We
12:00 — 13:30 UTC+3
Harmony. Everyone knows it, yet the true practice of harmony is a lost Japanese art. In this world of political, social and domestic discord, there is a strong need to return to the harmony of “WE”. Studies show that an individual or a team of individuals who are rigid and closed, do not perform at their best. We are most powerful when mind, body, and skill (called Shin Gi Tai in Japanese) are well connected within one system, and are in harmony, as a system.
In this webinar, we explore how a simple method of changing the subject from “I” or “you” to the collective “we” creates a new perspective to coaching and team coaching. We discover what it takes to “become” one system. Participants will learn skills that are easily adopted in their coaching practices. The workshop-type webinar will include case studies, and real-time participation of mindfulness practices, as well as “live” volunteer demonstrations of 4 phases of coaching to help understand the untapped potential of individuals and teams. Read more…
Building high performing teams: why people should be last
13:30 — 15:00 UTC+3
Don McKenzie is the Managing Director of the Adizes Institute Australia and uses his diverse experience, combined with the world recognised Adizes Methodology, to deliver transformation programs, workshops and in company seminars for all sizes and types of businesses, across Australia. Read more…