Коучинг кросскультурных команд
В идеальном варианте команды создают синергию: их производительность выше, чем сумма того, что члены команды могли бы достигнуть по отдельности. Такие команды служат интересам разнообразных стейкхолдеров и ее члены процветают. Они креативны, эффективны и едины.
К сожалению исследования показывают, что часто случается обратное: индивидуальные заблуждения в команде скорее усиливаются, чем смягчаются, прессинг «соотвествия» душит здоровое инакомыслие и, как следствие, команды достигают частичной производительности и единообразной учтивости вместо истинного единства.
Prof. Philippe Rosinski, MCC is a world authority in executive coaching, team coaching, and global leadership development. He helps leaders, teams and organizations deploy their multifaceted potential to achieve sustainable performance and meaningful success.
The author of “Coaching Across Cultures” and “Global Coaching”, Philippe has pioneered a global approach to leadership and coaching that leverages multiple perspectives for greater creativity, impact, fulfilment and purpose. He has also developed an integrative coaching supervision approach.
Philippe is based in Belgium but enjoys working with clients and partners internationally. He is a professor at the Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business in Tokyo and is regularly invited in other academic institutions.
The first European to have been designated Master Certified Coach by the ICF, he holds a Master of Science degree from Stanford University.
Find out more by visiting www.GlobalCoaching.pro , www.philrosinski.com , www.COFassessment.com and www.facebook.com/globalcoachingpro
Intercultural Team Coaching
At their best, teams produce synergy: their performance is higher than the sum of what individual members could have achieved separately. These teams serve multiple stakeholders and their members thrive. They are creative, effective and united.
Unfortunately, research reveals that the opposite often happens: individual biases are amplified rather than mitigated by the team, the pressure to conform stifles healthy dissent and, as a result, teams achieve sub-par performance and bland uniformity in place of true unity.
There is no fatality though. Intercultural team coaching, which is still largely unknown and therefore underused, helps teams tap into their intercultural potential (visible and hidden) to achieve synergy, resulting in more innovation, greater performance and higher fulfilment.
In this session, Philippe Rosinski will describe his 10-Co steps and Cultural Orientations Framework assessment for coaching intercultural teams and show, through real-life examples, how leveraging alternative cultural viewpoints enables team progress.